© Lakshman 2022.

Welcome To
Lucky's Studio

Hello I am

what I do


the best Work around

Front-End Website design and development using HTML5, CSS5, Javascript, and React, In partnership with Ovium Studios, I've helped create some beautifully designed websites.

Software development is my main passion ever since I picked up a 'Java for Beginners' book at the age of 13. Experienced with Python, Java, C, C#, I've built small games and tools, to showcase my skills. Checkout my Github !

Exploring the world of eCommerse websites, I've supported servers and databases using mySQL and myPHPAdmin to organize and archive data for multiple versions of websites.
Web Design/Development
Backend using SQL and PHP


Bachelor's of Science

York University, Toronto, ON

Feb 2022

Completed my Bacholor's of Science in Computer Science, within the Lassonde School of Engineering.

Notable Courses Completed:
+ Design and Analysis of Algorithms
+ Advanced Object Oriented Programming
+ Database Systems
+ Software Design
+ User Interfaces
+ Operating System Fundamentals
+ Human-Computer Interaction


Digitilization Project


June 2018 - Jan 2022

+ The future is to go paperless, and by migrating important documents and files to a secure company server for storage and easy accessability anywhere, is a key standard in this time and age. My key role on this project was to organize and move Tarion's builder and customer documents onto a secure web-based collaborative platform, using Microsoft's Share Point.
+ Created documentation using Confluence/Jira for QA/Dev ticket workflows for in-house tools, such as CRM.

Junior Web Designer / Project Coordinator

Ovium Studios

May 2017 - May 2018

+ Take an approved website concept from the design phase, given by client, to completion
+ Maintain databases pertaining to project files, personal client information, and design assets
+ Coded several project pages and modules using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and PHP


Toronto, ON


+1 416 567 5681

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